Don’t Sweat It
TMI alert! ('too much information' ahead...)
Embarassing but true, I've always had a problem with perspiration. I had the stinkiest feet in middle school gym class. My summer morning subway commute would leave me fearing I'd arrive already damp to work. And sometimes I'd even sweat when I was cold. Now, that's not fair!
I tried all of the anti-perspirants on the market - powders, gels, sticks, crystals and creams. Nothing helped enough. So what's this all about? Diagnosis: hyperhidrosis. That's a fancy way of saying that the sweat glands are hyperactive.
I've been told that a lady does not sweat, she "glows." Well, whatever you call it, I wanted it to stop! So I saw my dermatologist and she wrote me a prescription for Drysol. This is a high-concentration aluminum chloride solution that you apply nightly to underarms to stop the sweating. After a week, one or two nightly applications per week to maintain the results.
Even though it can sting upon application, it worked and I was so happy! I helped my sister move into her North Carolina college dorm in August and could lift my arms without embarrassment. That’s what I’d call passing the test!If you’re not ready to see the derm but would like to put a stop to over-sweating, try CertainDri. It has 12% aluminum chloride and is used the same way as Drysol. Since you’ll still want to use a deodorant/anti-perspirant during the day for added protection, CertainDri now has an AM Underarm Refresher with a subtle scent. It does take a little while to dry, so if you’re in a hurry, go for one of the super-strong products out there, like Secret Platinum that promises 24 hour protection or Mitchum for Women, which is "so effective, you could skip a day".
Look forward to sporting spring's sexy styles with confidence!
I've been using (and loving) the Secret Clinical Strength which is certainly an option for the heavy sweaters!
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bought it yesterday! i think i will like it! Thanks!!
This site also offers great information on hyperhidrosis and its treatments:
I use the deodorant crystal from Mountain Rose Herbs and an essential oil deodorant spray, works great, I haven't had to buy commercial deodorant in almost 7 years!
I use an aluminum chloride deo from Europe sometimes with 20% aluminum chloride and just a warning, it totally burns if you've recently shaved. =)
Thanks, everyone, for the great tips!
Just a concern...
Shouldn't you be worried about the level of aluminum? It has been suggested that it contributes to Alzheimer's.
This is very interesting information.
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nice post
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